If you are reading this policy, it means that you have landed on our website. We give you this information so that you know how we process your personal data when you browse our website or when you interact with us through it: for example, when you write to us, when you buy, when you subscribe to our newsletter. On all these occasions, and more, we process some of your personal data. We do so in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and in accordance with the Privacy Code as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018.
Who is the controller of your data?
The data controller of the data collected through this site is Teamwork srl with registered office in Via Macanno 38/q, Rimini RN - P.IVA 02581030406, (hereinafter also referred to as "Owner"). You can contact the Controller at the following e-mail address info@teamworkhospitality.com or by writing to us at our postal address.
Why do we process your data and when do we collect them?
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in the course of their normal operation, certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the URI/URL addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment.
Can we do it without your consent? Yes, as the data is necessary for Internet communication and to enable you to use the site (Art. 6(f) GDPR).
How long do we keep this data? Browsing data are not retained for more than seven days (except in the case of criminal investigations by judicial authorities).
As Data Controller, when you browse our site, we collect some of your data for the purpose of analysis and processing of information, your preferences, browsing experiences. To perform this activity we use technologies such as cookies (our own or third party cookies).
Can we do it without your consent? In part. The collection of data through the use of technical cookies, which are useful for the proper functionality and security of the website, takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest (art. 6 lett. f, GDPR). The collection of personal data through the use of our own and third-party cookies, which are not strictly necessary, only takes place with your express consent (Art. 6 letter a, GDPR). We inform you of this by means of a banner at the bottom of the website when you log on for the first time. Here you can choose analytically which cookies you want to install. For more information on what cookies are, their function, etc. you can read our cookie policy.
How long do we keep this data? The retention time of this data is defined in the cookie banner, by choosing to view it analytically, or in the settings menu on the bottom left of each page of the site look for this symbol:
If you decide to contact us via the form on our website, we will process your personal data and your e-mail address.
Can we do it without your consent? Yes, because we are following up on your request (Art. 6(b) GDPR).
How long do we keep this data? We retain this data for as long as is necessary to process your request.
You can also purchase our products on our site. In this case we will process your personal, contact and payment data in order to send you your purchase.
Can we process this data without your consent? Yes, because we need them to perform a contract (Art. 6(b) GDPR).
How long do we keep this data? We keep this data for 10 years (Art. 2220 Civil Code).
On the site you can also subscribe to our newsletter and in this case we will process your name, surname and e-mail address.
Can we do it without your consent? Yes, because we are carrying out a request from you (Art. 6(b) GDPR).
How long do we keep this data? We will retain this data for 36 months from the time of your last interaction with us. However, you can request the deletion of your data at any time and we will delete it immediately.
How do we process your data?
Your data is processed using instruments and procedures that guarantee security and confidentiality, and may be processed both through our website and through other electronic tools (e.g. internal management systems) and sometimes even with the aid of paper supports. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other subjects involved in the organisation of this Web Site (administrative and sales staff, system administrators, etc.) or external subjects (such as third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies, data entry agencies) appointed, in the cases provided for by the law, as Data Processors by us, may have access to the data. You can obtain a full list of the Data Processors by writing to us at the following e-mail address info@teamworkhospitality.com
Where is your data?
The processing we carry out with your personal data takes place mainly on European soil. Your browsing data (IP address), on the other hand, may be transferred outside the European Union and in particular to the United States (by way of example, Google) through the installation of cookies.
Who has access to your data?
Your data may be made accessible to the Controller's employees and collaborators in their capacity as data processors and/or system administrators and/or other entities (by way of example: professional firms, consultants, software houses that supply us with management software, etc.) that perform outsourcing activities on our behalf, in their capacity as external data processors.
In no way do we disseminate your data.
The recipients of the processing, on the other hand, are those who receive communications of personal data from the Controller, but who, following such communication, act as autonomous controllers. These include:
- Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other Owner's platforms. When you click on the icons of social networks and platforms you will be redirected to pages outside the website and you agree to share some of your data with the Owners of that service. The information you share will then be governed by the privacy policies of the Social Network or Platform you have chosen.
What are your rights?
As a data subject, you have several rights. For example, the right to obtain, in the cases provided for, access to your personal data and the rectification or deletion thereof or the restriction of processing concerning them or to object to processing (to find out what your rights are, you can consult the Regulation in Articles 15 et seq.) To exercise your rights, you can instead write to us or telephone us at the contacts you find at the beginning of this information notice.
Right to complain
If you consider that the processing violates your rights in any way, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority by checking the procedures on the website www.garanteprivacy.it. On the following page https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/4535524 you can view the complaint form.
Protecting the privacy of minors
This website is aimed at a general audience, however its services are intended for persons of 18 years of age or older. We do not solicit, collect, use or disclose personal data from persons under the age of 18 online. Should we discover that we have personally collected data from a minor, we will delete it immediately.
Privacy policy updated April 2024